Voice platin
- Generous monetary donation to support the main Raise Your Voice projects.
- Prominent mention and logo placement on all event posters and promotional materials.
- Exclusive exposure during "Raise Your Voice" events and public appearances.
- Social media and online presence with prominent links and mentions.
- Mentions and gratitude related to the specific charitable projects supported.
Voice gold
- Substantial monetary donation to selected Raise Your Voice projects or activities.
- Logo presence on selected promotional materials and event posters.
- Recognition at special events and media appearances.
- Mention on Raise Your Voice website and social media.
- Mention and gratitude related to the specific community service projects supported.
Voice silber
- Medium monetary donation to support specific programs or campaigns.
- Logo presence on select promotional materials.
- Mention during specific events and on the Raise Your Voice website.
- Mention and gratitude related to the specific community service projects supported.
Voice bronze
- Small monetary donation to support specific projects or events.
- Logo presence on selected promotional materials.
- Recognition on the Raise Your Voice website.
- Mention and gratitude related to the specific community service projects supported.
Voice community
- Involvement of local businesses or organizations to support targeted community service activities.
- Mention and gratitude related to the specific community service projects supported.
- Joint press releases and recognition in the (local) press.